Monday, October 31, 2022


This is the 100th and LAST post of BALKANOPOULOS – can you believe it !!!


Another epic Golfco Pictures adventure comes to an end with the usual amazing stats:

·           Visited a total of 18 UN Countries

·           Sailed a total of 1,158 kilometres to 10 new Greek Islands

·           Visited 12 new UN Countries bringing my total UN Countries visited from 98 to 110

·           Ran a total of 512 kilometres over all new 12 UN Countries bringing my running total from 92 to 104

·           Swam a total of 49 kilometres in 7 countries

·           Travelled a total of 206 days (almost 7 months)

·           I drove a total of 15,266 kilometres across 14 countries

·           Slept in a total of 93 different beds in apartments or hotels or with relatives

·           Kept an estimated total of 3,000 photos culled from an estimated 40,000 photos taken

·           Shot an estimated total of over 120 hours of footage (film clips)

·           An estimate of 800 GB of total media available for the film

·           A Grand Total of 61,447 kilometres travelled by me by air, land and sea not including my walking, running, swimming or trekking


This incredible journey all started back on 19 April 2022 when I left Sydney for Athens to spend my first Easter in my father’s village in Greece. Almost seven months later and I left Cyprus for Greece again where I am resting for a few days and then fly to Bangkok to visit my Mercy kids – there will be no posts during this time as it is devoted to recovery.


I expect the epic film BALKANOPOULOS will take the better part of next year 2023 to produce since I will be travelling on and off throughout the year. The film will be produced in 3 parts:

1.         PRE-FEATURE focusing on the 10 new Greek Islands I visited

2.         MAIN FEATURE presenting the 9 Balkan Countries visited by Paris, Leo and myself.

3.         POST-FEATURE presenting Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Cyprus.


It is likely that BALKANOPOULOS will premiere over 1 month with the PRE and POST FEATURES showing around 3 October 2023 and the MAIN FEATURE showing around my birthday on 3 November 2023. Double the fun !!!


I take this opportunity to thank you all for following the blog and look forward to seeing you all at the premiere next year. I really do hope that enjoyed the many interesting facts and photos.


May I leave you with my favourite photo of the entire trip, taken by accident, as I was walking down an alleyway in Damascus Syria – I quickly turned behind me and snapped this one in a hurry but caught a moment that I believe exemplifies what I have seen in all my travels – that all the peoples of the world, no matter where they live or whatever they believe in or whatever ages they are or whatever economic circumstances that they find themselves in – WE HAVE MORE IN COMMON that not and this photo says it all. If these two kids can unite in friendship, why can’t the rest of the world.


This is John Balkan Golfin signing off Houston…

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